To disembark into luxury
I am Malaga and I feel guilty of you sailing into a leisure destination. And of you crossing seas of emotions on the most luxurious cruises in the world. Of you mooring to me, with my unique cuisine, with the luxury of a sun that shines for more than 300 days a year, with my doors open so you can enjoy yourself as you have never done before. I am also guilty of you being able to take me with you thanks to an incomparable shopping experience. And of the sunsets on a terrace with a view. And of my monuments, which you will remember. I am guilty, ultimately, of you already wanting to visit me again before you unmoor.
Confessions of a city
I am Malaga and I feel guilty. I confess.
It is me, the one who called you without calling you.
The one who tempted you without tempting you. The one who, without you realising it, trapped you between its landscapes, among its people, within its way of life.
I feel guilty for…